Medtech Service Provider HuKui Bio raised US$5.5M for US market expansion

The medtech service provider Hukui Bio (互貴興業) announced that it has raised US$5.5 million in Series C funding, led by Yellowstone Holding AG from Switzerland, totalling US$11.8M funding to date. HuKui Bio will collaborate with venture capital funds in the Bay area, in addition to the biomedical innovation clusters and accelerators in Europe and the US. The New Business Department…

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“Made in China” is no longer attractive due to the U.S.-China trade war, suggesting that Taiwan’s CDMO industry for electronic medical devices is going to be more lucrative

A few days ago, I had visited Hukui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Hukui Bio) which was founded by John Hsuan with Michael Kuo, the current CEO. We talked about the latest development in the global electronic medical devices market and the evolution of professional electronic medical devices contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) industry since the US-China trade war. In recent…

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We Are Fighting The COVID-19 Threats !

In 2020, the epidemic of COVID-19 has spread in the whole world, and COVID-19 diagnostic kit is definitely a purchasing point from the beginning. Hukui Bio has been authorized bytwo Taiwan nucleic acid diagnostic kit factories to begin providing COVID-19 diagnostic kit for Europe, ASEAN and South America markets, hoping to satisfy their local medical resources.

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Cymmetrik and HUKUI Tech Work Together to Take AcuSense BioMedical Entering China Market

“Blood Leakage Detection System”, developed by AcuSense BioMedical Technology Corp. (AcuSense), is a specific medical device designed for kidney disease patient to reduce the risk of dialysis treatment. Through the cooperation with HUKUI Tech, the subsidy of Hukui Biotechnology Co., Ltd., AcuSense is going to expand its business to China. HUKUI Tech integrates product authorization, registration, production and distribution as…

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The Hukui Biotechnology Corporation in Collaboration with the Zhongguancun Medical Engineering Transformation (Chongqing) Center to Obtain a Category III License from the CFDA for Medical Equipment

The Hukui Biotechnology (Chongqing) Corporation, the subsidiary of Hukui Biotechnology Corporation, signed the Cooperation Framework Agreement with the Zhongguancun Medical Engineering Transformation (Chongqing) Center to promote the development of the biotechnology industry. The goal of the Agreement is to create a biotech incubator platform that promotes the smart medical industry focusing on the development of medicine, top-of-the-range medical equipment, testing…

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 Compal Group cooperate with Hukui Biotechnology Corporation to Enter Medical Market in China

Compal Group cooperate with Hukui Biotechnology Corporation to Enter Medical Market in China

Taipei, Taiwan, June 13, 2017 General Life Biotechnology Co., Ltd., an affiliate of Compal Group (TWSE:2324), has signed a contract with Hukui Biotechnology Corporation. General Life Biotechnology Co., Ltd. will provide the key components and technical support, and Hukui Technology, the Chongqing-based subsidiary of Hukui Biotechnology Corporation is then responsible to apply for the license…

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First BMS Partner

The Taiwan Carbon Nanotube Technology Corporation (TCNT) announced Wednesday (2017/03/29) that it has inked a BMS(Biotech Manufacturing Services) contract and marketing memorandum of understanding (MOU) with HuKui.

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南方日报讯 (记者/黄少宏)莞台合作进一步加强,距上次签约1个月后,“莞榕计划”大家庭又添一新成员。12月12日,台湾普生股份有限公司(以下简称“普生公司”)正式与东莞生物技术产业发展有限公司签约入选“莞榕计划”,正式落户松山湖两岸生物技术产业合作基地。 普生公司是一家专精于体外诊断试剂和口腔保健的台湾兴柜企业,拥有台湾和欧盟多项认证证书,并获得“2013杰出生技产业奖”等台湾多项生技大奖。至此,台湾晋弘、亚诺法、金颖、穆拉德加捷、双美和普生等台湾优质生技企业注册落户松山湖,涉及医疗器械、IVD(体外诊断产品)、保健食品、美容化妆品等多个细分生物领域,它们将立足东莞开拓大陆市场,积极做强做大。 东莞市政府顾问宋涛向记者介绍说,“莞榕计划”作为政府创新引资的一种手段,这批优质台湾生技企业的入驻,说明“莞榕计划”已获得市场的认可,通过示范效应,将会带动更多的台湾知名生技企业来东莞落户。接下来,松山湖政府和东莞生技公司将加大推广力度,也将服务好已落户生技企业,力推其尽快在大陆实现营收,促成企业发展壮大。 “莞榕计划”旨在促进和加快优质台湾生技企业落户东莞,计划在启动后三年内引进20家在台湾具有一定实力、已上市或进入IPO阶段的成熟生技企业,入驻即可立即实现产业化。

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20161108 东莞阳光网 莞台生物技术产业全面合作进入实质性阶段

今天上午,市委书记吕业升会见了台湾生物技术企业代表团团长、省政府顾问宣明智一行。记者了解到,由东莞市委托、以宣明智为主的团队组成的转移平台“莞榕计划”顺利推进,目前已有一批企业注册落户松山湖,莞台生物技术产业全面合作进入实质性阶段。 吕业升对台湾生物技术企业代表团的到来表示热烈欢迎,并向企业代表深入了解了部分生物技术项目的产能、研发等情况。 吕业升在介绍东莞的经济社会发展情况时说,东莞这几年的经济呈现恢复性增长的态势,数据显示,今年前三季度,东莞新旧动能转换加快、电子信息制造业带动明显、民营经济持续较快增长,进出口趋势进一步向好,尤其在进口方面,有两位数的增长,东莞的转型升级成效也进一步凸显,企业创新发展态势良好。下来,东莞的产业结构有待进一步调整,东莞也会继续夯实基础,政府及相关部门扮演好协调沟通和服务企业的角色,为企业的发展提供更优良的环境。 吕业升表示,东莞非常重视与台湾生物技术企业的合作,将从战略层面去考虑和支持生物技术产业发展,企业家们大可放心、安心落户东莞,东莞也愿意与企业一道发力,为生物技术产业的发展共同努力,让企业进得来、发展得好,让生物技术产业在东莞形成气候。 省政府顾问、台湾两岸生技产业发展促进会理事长宣明智2014年12月受聘为东莞市长经济顾问,长期以来与东莞在产业方面有着密切合作。宣明智介绍了两岸产业合作对接项目——“莞榕计划”的实施和进展情况。 据了解,在宣明智先生的建议和倡导下,东莞于2012年设立了两岸生物技术产业合作基地,并于2014年10月实施两岸产业合作对接项目——“莞榕计划”,通过组建台湾优质生技产业转移平台,快速吸引台湾及各地优秀生物技术公司到东莞落户发展。“莞榕计划”平台囊括了一批台湾生物技术产业界知名人士,计划三年内引入20家在台湾具有一定实力、已上市或进入IPO阶段、已有或将有国家食品药品监督管理总局认证的创新服务产品的生物技术企业入驻。“莞榕计划”正式启动以来,已成功引进互贵、晋弘、泰合、亚诺法、金颖、穆拉德加捷及双美等企业注册落户松山湖。预计首批20家企业入驻运营后三年可产生营收达12亿元,第五年可达50亿元,为东莞贡献税收的同时也将极大完善东莞的生物技术产业链,提升东莞的整体产业环境和实力。 东莞阳光网讯 (全媒体记者 黄文静)

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